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Food tips

Tips for a healthy relationship with food

03/30/2022 - 13:42

We have spoken before about the difference between a healthy food relationship and what an unhealthy food relationship looks like: the way it can make us feel and some concrete  steps to take to start changing this habit. But, what else can we do?

jicama mango salad

Jicama Mango Salad

03/23/2022 - 14:12

Prep time: 10 mins

Total time: 25 mins

Servings: 6-8

many foods

Building a healthy relationship with food

03/23/2022 - 13:23

Food is everywhere! It is ubiquitous at so many day-to-day occasions that we develop many different relationships with it. Unfortunately for many of us, the food interaction is a complicated relationship. It can trace back to how food was presented when we were younger, watching our parents’ or friends’ relationships with food, or even to habits that we’ve built up over the years. So how do you know if yours is a healthy relationship?


Vegan Moroccan Couscous

03/07/2022 - 11:47

This recipe is inspired by a classic Moroccan preparation where Tfaya refers to sweet, caramelized onions and raisins.

Just so you know, the traditional spice blend also has cinnamon and nutmeg which are not used in this recipe, although you are more than welcome to try and experiment!

good moods from food

Foods that promote serenity and happiness

03/07/2022 - 11:35

The love month is now in our rear view mirror and March has arrived. It is important to remember the things that not only make us feel love externally but also, what makes our body feel loved. Believe it or not, FOOD is one of the major components. When it comes to improving our mood, nourishing our body, and feeling great, every bite we take plays an important role.

You might be asking yourself; how can food bring serenity and happiness?